Monday, August 5, 2013

Withdrawal filled Monday.

Today I admitted that I need help, and understand that no matter how badly I want to get through the pains of these withdrawal symptoms, I can't do it on my own.

While posting a lot of personal info to facebook is a common thing for most people, it usually involves their cat, or possibly a night of drinking a little too much. Today my post went deeper, reflecting on the pains of the withdrawals I'm currently going through. It's admittedly hard, but opening myself to responses of any kind was hopefully a step in the right direction.

I also took another large step today. I stood up for myself. When there was a comment that made me feel pretty shitty, I deleted it and let the person know that what I posted was incredibly hard to write, let alone press the button to release it to the 140ish people that I "know" on facebook. Then I cried, knowing what I posted could have an impact on friendships.

I'm afraid, but I'm trying to be strong. I'm trying to face my demons before they kill me. I want to believe, so badly, that today was a step in the right direction.

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